Sunday, July 25, 2010

Calling All Working Moms

I have been off work for a week. Even though we did not go to the beach, it has been wonderful. I've spent the week with my family and enjoyed my time with them. Now I have a problem, I don't want to go back! I thought it would be easier than this, that I would be ready to go back, but I love my kiddos so much. I've really enjoyed my time with them. Sleeping in late, cuddling in the bed, extra time I do not normally have.
Now please do not get me wrong. I really enjoy my job, and I am very thankful to have a job in an economy like this, but thinking about going back to work is making me sad. I feel like I'm going back to work for the first time all over again.
So if you have a spare second tonight or tomorrow, please pray for me. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day. I'm not even going to think about the day I have to drop baby E and leave him/her for the very first time! Oh I need to quit thinking... So working moms how do you ease the "pain" of dropping your little ones off at the sitter, daycare, school, etc...?

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her:"
Proverbs 31:28

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