Friday, May 6, 2011

Lesson Learned on Easter Sunday

Everything was packed ready to get up and go to Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM.  I was feeling pretty daring and sure that we would be just fine and make it on time.  I love Sunrise Service.  As a child I looked forward to it every year.  There is just something about rising early and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Sadly we didn't make it to Sunrise Service and when we got to church all dressed up in our color coordinated outfits ready  to take a picture of my adorable kids, I turned on my camera and it didn't come on. Immediately I remembered I left my battery charging in the kitchen.  It was on my to do list to get, but as Joseph said "what good is a to do list if you don't remember to look at it."  

I was pretty upset to say the least.  Since Joseph bought me my camera last year as a "sorry I got you pregnant" gift (haha!), I've tried my best to take as many pictures as I can.  Easter is just one of those holidays that can not go without taking a picture to remember it by.  Not to mention the craziness I went through to find those adorable color coordinated outfits.  Joseph immediately turned to me and said, "babe this is not what Easter is about, it's not about pictures or outfits.  Focus on the true meaning and don't let leaving your battery at home ruin your day."  I wanted to sulk for a few minutes and be upset at the fact that I worked so hard for this perfect family picture and it wasn't going to happen.  I brought myself together and took in what Joseph said.  This whole weekend I spent entirely too much time preparing on the material side of Easter and lost sight of why we really celebrate it.  I felt so ashamed that I went out of my way to buy everyone matching outfits, buy my kids Easter baskets with goodies, but didn't stop once to thank my Savior for taking my place on that cross that day.  I immediately gathered myself,  prayed and asked for forgiveness and thanked the Lord for dying on the cross for my sins.  

We had a wonderful Easter service.  The music and message were so powerful and had I sulked I probably would not have left with such a joy of praising and worshiping the man who gave it all for me.  Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."  On that morning I didn't seek Him first and I definitely learned my lesson.  

After service we headed off to Nana's for an afternoon of fellowship with our family.  My sister in law took a family picture for me.  When she emailed it to me the next day I thought, "man,... if Josiah would have just looked straight at the camera this picture would have been perfect."  Again I paused and remembered my lesson learned and said, "you know what?  It's perfect."  So after teaching me a very much needed lesson, God still gave me that "perfect" family picture.

Something's happening at Joseph's grave 
Where Jesus of Nazareth has laid three days 
Very early in the morning as the earth begins to quake
Something's happening at Joseph's grave 

Come and feast your eyes on an empty tomb 

Come and smell the fragrance where Sharon blooms 
Then the Lamb resurrected will come into view 

And something will happen deep inside of you 

This is one of my many favorite choir songs.  I love the message and of course hearing James and Mandy sing.  Praying that you and your family had an amazing Easter and that you didn't forget the true meaning of which we celebrate.... The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Have you invited Him into your heart, if not you should!  Believe me it is the best decision you can ever make.

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