Last Friday Mary Elisabeth and Abuelito (grandpa in Spanish) had their first feeding. This is so special to me in many ways. As many of you know my dad has had a rough couple of years. In 2006 he was diagnosed with Kidney Failure and started dialysis three times a week in November of 2006. As a kid when I was asked who my hero was I always said my dad. My dad is so special to me and I love him so much. In June of 2006 I learned that I was pregnant with Josiah and everyday I prayed that the Lord would give my dad the opportunity to meet Josiah. I praise God everyday because he did meet Josiah and in August of 2008 he met Mary Elisabeth. I know that life here on earth is hard for him and everyday is a constant struggle, but he manages to keep on going. My prayer for 2009 is that God will perform a miracle and heal my dad either by a kidney transplant or by the miracle of allowing his kidneys to perform normally again. I know my God has a purpose for all of this and I admire my dad because although he has his bad days, and does get down every once in a while, he continues to be a faithful servant of God. I am blessed with a father and mother who fear the Lord and have taught me to put Him first in my life. I have made mistakes and had my rough patches, but they still accept and love me. My prayer is that I "grow up" to be like them and give my kids the same principles they gave to me. I am who I am today because of God and because of them.
I actually started writing this blog about a month ago. So much has happened since then. My dad was diagnosed with vascular disease. As I sit here and write I can not come up with words to describe what is going on. All I can say is please pray for my daddy, he is not well. My hope is in the Lord and I fully trust in him. The doctors say he can lose his feet, I say God has the final say! Please join us in prayer and ask God to heal my daddy.
I Love you daddy!